AT Garden Spaces

“Intuitive Landscapes Coexisting With Nature”


“A Garden Is Not Always Just A Garden, It Can Be So Much More, Sometimes Leading Us To A Better Way Of Living”

Located in the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne we look to Mother Nature for inspiration and guidance in all of the work we do.

Her inherent beauty, resilience and ability to connect with all forms of life, we base all of our services on these very foundations, which are vital to create such an ecosystem. Emulating Australian Native and Indigenous landscapes we look to bring that same sense of belonging, whilst nurturing the very earth under our feet, back into the homes of everyone we help.

Extending beyond this we also include principles surrounding Regenerative and Permaculture practices, as well as traditions that honour land and environmental preservation, within all of our work.

We recognise the importance of regenerating our land, air and water ways, whilst reminding people of that innate connection we all have to Mother Nature and so we set out to create integrative landscaped gardens. Linking all of these practices and inspiration together so it may nurture those residing in the garden space, whilst taking great consideration to the care needed in helping regenerate the environment, both immediate and surrounding.

Our motivation is to provide those willing and curious with the knowledge, guidance and help to reach that point where their individual contribution, through their home, their garden and living their everyday lives, connects to a greater unified movement in healing our planet. 

Thank you for stopping by we hope you enjoy your journey with us no matter the distance.

How We Can Help

“The greatest teacher anyone can have in this life is that which naturally surrounds us”

Throughout the years of building our business the natural world has always played a major influence in our style of landscaping and the services we create.

Within our range you will find options for both in home and online help. We have thoughtfully curated each service and online program to try and accomodate a range of requirements and demographics, whilst considering the environment with each one.

You will find all of our services have an emphasis on regenerating the earth, reconnecting you with the natural world, whilst creating habitats that connect to a wider ecosystem within the natural environment.

Our Values

“We believe true change will come as more people rediscover their relationship to Mother Nature”

There are a collection of people who set out in the world to create a business that extends beyond the simple means of making a profit. They look at business as an opportunity to not only drive their passion in life, but to hopefully give back to their clients and the world in some way.

Although we are only a small business we strive to do our bit either through our work or how we live our everyday lives.

Through our Purpose, Vision and Philosophy we hope you can get a glimpse of what we are trying to achieve overall.



“As inspired as we are to pass our knowledge on and create new garden spaces, we are equally passionate in igniting that spark in someone else to see the world through that connection to nature, like we do”

Every natural landscape is different from one to the next. Depending on the environmental factors, you can see vast or micro difference between each, but all carry the same underline goal, to sustain life through connection to one another.

Our work solidifies this connection through the life we bring back into our clients world and the wildlife that interacts with their new garden spaces.

Whether it’s through the teachings we offer, the advice we give or the gardens we design and build, we hold an energetic space with the people we are working with that allows them to rediscover their relationship with Mother Nature.

Behind AT Garden Spaces

“To be able to live in a country surrounded by such unique beauty gives us inspiration everyday, we truly are very lucky”

Drawing on inspiration from the natural world around them, the girls are constantly focused on giving back to the environment in which they reside in.

Whether its through their home composting and biodynamic produce system, educating those around them of the importance of regenerative gardening practices or caring for their own habitat garden and the local wildlife that has taken up residence in their garden.

They focus on staying connected to the natural world to help ground them so they may continue to care for the environment through their work and every day life.

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

More Than Just A Website

“When we know better we do better”

Starting from small beginnings, we have become conscious to the importance of imparting the knowledge and experience we have gathered over our time in the landscaping industry, whilst working with nature.

We wanted to create a site that was both informational and inspirational, providing anyone who visited, with the tools and understanding to do better in the world.

Through a series of online and onsite services, including free resources, facts page and FAQ’s we are hoping our small contribution may be apart of a larger collective of those regenerating this world.

Even though we are still underway with this offering, if you’d like to know when this is available and stay in the loop of anything new please register your interest by clicking the link below.


“It takes a village to raise anything good in this world”

Keeping within our objectives to do better in the world, we have aligned ourselves with other businesses that share the passion to do the same. With transparency front of mind, we wanted to list these below with each business logo linking directly to their website if you are ever interested in discovering more, and as we align ourselves with more we will continue to grow this space and awareness of those trying to make a difference.

Return To Nature

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